Results: 2024 NAYC, Traverse City, MI
Young Rider Team Gold: Region 3
Kat Fuqua and Dream Girl, 70.618%

Young Rider Individual Gold: Region 3
Kat Fuqua and Dream Girl, 70.971%

Junior Team Gold: Region 3
Virginia Woodcock and Mollegardens Sans-Souci, 66.970%
Alexis Troutman and Happy Feet, 66.636%
Justine Boyer and Campenero HGF, 64.849%
Alice Burley and S. Classic Conversion Cav-I, (62.121%)

Junior Individual: Region 3
Gold Medal: Virginia Woodcock and Mollegardens Sans-Souci, 71.088%

Junior Freestyle:  Region 3​
Gold Medal: Virginia Woodcock and Mollegardens Sans-Souci, 72.635%


Attention, Competitors/Owners/Rider


(Please consult rule book for more detailed information about these changes.)

1. All memberships for 2024 and beyond must be submitted and paid for online.  This includes horse, rider, owner, trainer, coach documents.  Show managements will no longer accept paper documents for this purpose at the show.  Competitors must present to the show either the membership cards, registration certificates etc. for all horses, riders, owners, trainers and coaches--OR they must submit a copy of the USEF or USDF electronic transaction receipt as proof that these documents have been applied for.

2. All horses entered in a USEF/USDF competition now MUST have at least a Horse Identification (HID) Number from USEF in addition to one now required from USDF, if the horse is not fully registered with USEF.

3. The Show Pass is not permitted for Adult Amateur owners/riders entered in AA Classes.  The Show Pass is also not allowed for  Junior competitors whose parent must be Safe Sport certified which requires membership.

FROM USEF Regarding the Upcoming Baucher Bit Rule Change
DR121.6 Tracking #049-23 Draft #1
Active Rule Change Type Effective Date Draft Received Board Action Extraordinary 12/1/2023 8/29/2023

Extraordinary Change Reason: Keeping the rule as currently written effectively eliminates the use of the Baucher (bit).

Rule Change Intent: When the upper cheek of a hanging snaffle (Baucher) is measured correctly as indicated in the rule above, almost no Baucher bit available on the market measures 5 cm or less. Most measure around 6 centimeters. Keeping the rule as currently written effectively eliminates the use of the Baucher. The rule was intended to disallow only those Baucher bits with a long upper cheek that creates for leverage and poll pressure.

Proponent Details Contact Information, Dressage: Lauren Moore,;


USEF Approves Equine Microchipping Rule 
Beginning Dec. 1, 2025, all horses competing USEF-licensed competitions must be microchipped.--From the US Equestrian Communications Department 

     US Equestrian strives to consistently ensure the safety and welfare of both our human and equine athletes. One fundamental aspect of equine safety is microchipping. Microchips in horses allow for immediate onsite verification of horses for the purpose of safeguarding the health of each horse. This is vital, especially during times of disease outbreaks or natural disasters.

    To this end, the US Equestrian Board of Directors approved a new microchipping rule during the 2023 Mid-Year Board meeting.

       Beginning December 1, 2025, under GR 1101.1, all horses competing in USEF-licensed or -endorsed competitions must be microchipped with a 15-digit ISO compliant 11784/11785 chip.

       For more information on microchipping, including content that was made specifically to answer a wide array of questions, please visit  .

If you have specific questions about recording your microchip, please email


USEF Lays Down the Law on Betting and More at Shows

The Board of Directors recently approved the adoption of a Policy for the Prevention of the Manipulation of Competition, which will go into effect December 1, 2022. Fantasy games and betting on equestrian sport are growing in popularity, and this Policy mitigates risks that could compromise the integrity and essence of sport. Included below you will find a short summary of the policy, including when and to whom it applies.

What is prohibited?  Under the policy, all competition manipulation is strictly prohibited. Violations of this policy include, but are not limited to:
Betting money (or items of monetary value) on a competition by Participants of that Competition;
Improper use of insider information by Participants, whether the Participant uses the information themselves or discloses it to an outside person/entity;
Giving and/or receiving a benefit in exchange for inside information, whether or not the inside information is actually exchanged;
Participant(s) acting with the intention to lose a Competition or part of it, or perform less than optimally (ex: “throwing a match”);
A Participant engaging in Match Fixing or Manipulating a Competition or encouraging any other Participant to match fix or otherwise manipulate a competition; and
Failure to cooperate with USEF investigation into possible violations of this policy.

Who is required to comply?  Any person belonging to one of the following categories is required to comply with the Policy:
Athletes participating in a Competition;
Athlete support personnel working with or treating Athlete(s) or horses participating in or preparing for Competition (and all other persons working with the Athlete(s) and/or horses);
Owners, shareholders, or interested parties in a horse in a competition;
Officials – includes licensed officials, any licensee, manager, or secretary of a Competition, any other Competition staff or those with an ownership interest in the Competition;
Those serving as volunteers or paid staff of the Federation or a Recognized Affiliate Association.

What happens when a violation occurs? A violation or an attempted violation by a Participant may be investigated by USEF and subject to disciplinary proceedings pursuant to Federation Bylaws Part VII and General Rules Chapter 7.

Participants in FEI events are further reminded that FEI has adopted its own Code on the Prevention of the Manipulation of Competitions and covered participants are required to abide by the FEI Code in addition to USEF policy.

For additional questions related to the new Policy on Prevention of the Manipulation of Competition, please see the FAQs or contact USEF General Counsel Sonja Keating at 
skeating @

Safety & Welfare Rule Changes

Any human injury occurring at a licensed competition of which competition management is made aware must also be reported to the Federation on the applicable Accident/Injury form, including injuries to non-competitors such as grooms, spectators, owners, etc. 
Violations of the 2021 updated USEF Code of Conduct are now included in the list of violations against which penalties may be imposed.
DR 133.5
Remove “riding without stirrups” from the list of additional movements and exercises that may be requested in Dressage Seat Equitation classes. This is a safety issue, as it impacts young children, some new to dressage, and those who compete on borrowed horses.
Adding lameness to the list of penalties in Arabian Ranch Horse Riding and Ranch Horse Rail Pleasure classes, thereby providing judges the ability to disqualify an entry if warranted.
For safety reasons an Eventing competitor who receives a Compulsory Retirement Penalty at Training level or above, will not be given permission to ride the cross-country course.
In Eventing, placement poles are now prohibited for jumps at National Horse Trials.

In addition, several Competition Task Force proposed rule changes specific to the Hunter/Jumper competition environment were approved that will take effect December 1, 2022 for the 2023 competition year. These rule changes were necessary to support the 2023 Hunter/Jumper competition restructure approved by the USEF Board earlier this year. USEF and USHJA have been working collaboratively to initiate these rule changes in order to address the needs and priorities identified through member and competitor feedback that include:

•Safety, fairness and enjoyment

•Accessibility based on location, cost and offerings

•Opportunities to attend well-organized, appropriate quality competitions at all levels that comply with standards

•Meaningful recognition for horses and athletes at all levels

•Simplification of the sport

The Competition Task Force will be hosting a member webinar in the coming weeks and providing additional resources to assist competition organizers and members in better understanding the updated competition structure.